Friday, June 15, 2007

The Power of Prayer

Tomorrow I leave for a wild adventure. I'm heading to the NE with our high school youth choir for our tour. There are nearly 70 of us all together and it's quite the group. They also have me singing in the choir with them. I feel a bit like a ringer. I'm 25 but could pass for an 18 year old (I've actually gotten carded for R rated movies here, seriously!) and I have a decent musical background behind me including 4 years in one of the best if not the best high school choir program in MN.

Now planning a trip like this takes a lot out of a person. The funny thing is, I'm just in the background. I'm thankfully not the one running this whole show. But throughout this whole process we've had plenty of drama. Two churches have dropped us and we've had to find replacements very last minute. We're not sure if we can find host homes for everyone. Trying to plan an entire day in NYC with 70 people isn't exactly an easy task either.

And there there's the whole thing about the show. We have dress rehearsal tonight and people still don't know the music. There are too many bugs to work out in the program to list. Part of the reason I'm singing in the choir is the alto section can't be heard.

But the other night we were reminded in a big way that God has it all under control. One of the girls who is coming on the tour, a senior with a great voice, wonderful smile, and bubbly personality to boot found out that she wouldn't be able to come on the tour because of immigration issues (she's from the Congo). It was a huge blow that was felt by everyone. There were hugs all around and tears and she left practice after making the announcement. And I have no doubt that there were countless prayers lifted up for everything to work out, including by me. We went on with practice, filled the hole the best we could, and kept our spirits up.

At the end of practice one of the adults got a phone call and made the announcement that things had changed and that this girl could come on the tour!!! There was a collective cheer!!! God had an incredibly fast turnaround! There was a great feeling of joy in the group and when we practiced yesterday and she was back, you could hear something extra in her voice when she sang her solo. She knew and I think we all knew this was an incredible gift.

As we get ready for this tour and start to worry about how this all could possibly come together, we were given an incredible reminder of God's faithfulness last night. How all of this works out on tour in unknown but God is going to be there with us every step of the way. He already worked on miracle and I have no doubt that others will happen as well.

And as I look ahead, to the end of my internship and the beginning of, well, who knows, I know that God will be there. Whether I've only been praying for an hour or for six months, God is up there listening. I don't expect nearly as fast of a turnaround for my future but I do know that it will all work out for the best and I hope I can be as grateful as Rachel was and that this gratitude can shine forth in my life like it did in her voice last night.

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