Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Writer's Block

Truth be told, it might not be writer's block, it may just be that I don't really have that much that could be interesting to report. Here are some highlights from the past couple of weeks and some things I'm looking forward to:

-Finished up my Ethics: Medicine and Health Care class minus the final paper. It was a good class other than I was scared to death to be called on half the time. It reminded me of my senior year honors physics class where we had the "popsicle sticks of death" where the teacher would ask a question and draw a popsicle stick with one of our names on it and we would have to figure out the problem on the spot. At least with that you knew either you were right or wrong. With ethics it's always a bit more difficult. I also happen to be a borderline T/F in the Myers Briggs personality test which means that I make decisions using a pretty even combination of my head and heart. In other words, I can compartmentalize stuff when it comes down to making ethical decisions but I usually use both equally and come to my conclusion that way. For our ethics class I didn't have that luxury. Everything had to be carefully plotted out and explainable using logic. So, training myself to think in a completely new way was all sorts of fun. We'll see how this final paper on advance directives goes...

-Depending on how the playoff games go this coming weekend, I might have a long blog on football forthcoming. In other words, I might have to explain why I might be cheering for the Green Bay Packers for the first time in my life... Ugh...

-New season of LOST!!! The theories are already out there and I cannot wait!

-I'm taking an overview of the Bible class for fun (it is my senior year and I've already taken all my classes save one) and tomorrow I'm taking part in a drama on Esther. It's going to be an absolute riot. There's nothing like making a fool of yourself in front of your classmates.

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