Thursday was the big day. It was the day when all the Bishops of all the Synods (areas within a larger region) were meeting to decide where all of us assigned to Region 3 would be serving our first years of ministry. Being assigned to Region 3 I knew there were lots of options. It includes MN, ND, and SD. The synods are Western ND, Eastern ND, SD (as a whole), NW MN, NE MN, SW MN, SE MN, the Minneapolis area, and the St. Paul area. I had put down Eastern ND, Minneapolis, and St. Paul on my forms but had no idea how it was all going to play out. Minneapolis and St. Paul are notoriously hard synods to get into because they are so big and so popular. There are people from all over jockeying to get into these synods because there are a lot of great churches in the area and it is kind of the Mecca of the ELCA. Plus, there are all sorts of people with families, houses, spouses with jobs, etc. in the area that really have legitimate reasons to stick around. However, since I am interested in large church ministry (churches that worship 500+ per week) and specializing in youth and young adult ministry and there happens to be an abnormally large amount of these types of congregations in these areas, I put both Minneapolis and St. Paul down because I figured I didn't have anything to lose.
Thursday was the day that Bishops gathered to figure out where all ~45 of us would be heading within Region 3. To say that us Region 3 seniors were a bit anxious that day would be a major understatement. We spent a good part of the day checking and rechecking our cell phones to make sure they didn't go off and nervously asking each other if the other had heard any news yet.
I was happy to retreat to my apartment near 6:30 to have some privacy as I waited for the call. My roommate and her cat were my company and I decided watching a rerun of last week's episode of LOST (which also happened to be brilliant) would be a good way to alleviate my anxiety.
As I looked at my cell phone and attempted to will it to ring, I knew that area code would most likely tell me everything I needed to know. 701 is for ND and would mean Eastern ND for me. The dark horses, Minneapolis or St. Paul would show one of the many Twin Cities Metro area codes such as 612, 651, 952, or 763.
And all of a sudden it happened. My phone started ringing and I looked down to see a 612 area code. I gave a loud whoop and yelled at my roommate, "IT'S FOR MN! IT'S FOR MN!" And taking a deep breath I answered the phone and was told "Welcome to the Minneapolis Area Synod!"
I got off the phone and could not believe what had just happened. I remembered being told over 4 years ago when I started this process that sticking around the Twin Cities was not an option. I remembered that I had spent a large part of my seminary career proclaiming that I wanted to get far away from the Midwest. I remembered shocking myself when I put down Region 3 as my first choice on my paperwork. And now, here I am. Apparently God isn't done with me and the Twin Cities yet. And I trust that this is where I'm called to be. It's going to be hard, there's no getting around it. I'm competing with some very competent and exceptional friends that also got assigned here. I won't just be going up against first call people for a call to a parish, I'll also be going up against people with experience in the field. It could be awhile before I find that call that seems to fit just right. But apparently God decided that it wasn't time for me to move out of this area just yet. And I'm excited to see what God has planned for me these next coming months as I start looking at churches, interviewing, and preparing to finish up 20 years of school. All I have to say is bring it on!