Wednesday, June 11, 2008

In case you're wondering what I've done with some of my extra free time this past year. Helping start a new church = fun!


MarkCC said...

Hi Tash,
Been reading some of your stuff and it looks pretty interesting. I am from Sydney Australia and have just started working at my church and are trying to get something new happening for 18-35s. I notice in the youtube vid that the entire focus seems to be on music as a way of differentiating your church, is that the only difference at the Source or is it in the style of talk/sermons you give as well? Or is it the format different?

Thanks for your feedback.


MarkCC said...

Hi Tash,
Been reading some of your stuff and it looks pretty interesting. I am from Sydney Australia and have just started working at my church and are trying to get something new happening for 18-35s. I notice in the youtube vid that the entire focus seems to be on music as a way of differentiating your church, is that the only difference at the Source or is it in the style of talk/sermons you give as well? Or is it the format different?

Thanks for your feedback.

Tasha said...


I hope to catch you on this side since I have no other way of communicating with you. The Source differentiates itself using musical styles, sermons, and basically the way we approach church. We use sermon series and attempt to pick topics that are relevant to this age demographic. The service is structured like most contemporary services with a set of praise music, then a message, then a special song that the band "performs" that ties into the theme, then some sort of interactive element like communion or a candle lighting, and then another praise set to close it out. There is a huge emphasis on community and connecting with others which is a huge draw for people of that age demographic. We also strive to have not much if any differentiation between the people up in front leading and the people that are in the "pews." I'd never have anyone from that group ever start referring to me as a pastor. Hope that helps. If you want to know more, just ask!
