Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I Hate Evaluations!

I'm currently working on my year end evaluation for my internship. Let me say that I hate these things. They ask questions like: "How would you describe your general temperament/disposition as has been experienced in the congregation (e.g. angry, nervous, confident, casual, careless, serious, joyful, flexible, controlling, adaptive, etc.)?" WTF? I have no idea what that means and my supervisor (who is a very smart man) has no idea either. Grr...

I think the hardest thing for me about this is trying to put an entire year's worth of experience, growth, and learning in this very generic format. Rate yourself as a preacher as not yet competent, competent, or exceptional. Yes, I only get those three categories. Everything that I have encountered and experienced during this year goes much deeper than anything that can ever be put on this form and these three categorizations. How much does it really matter whether or not I'm competent or exceptional at leading worship? Granted, thankfully I don't fall into the not yet competent category for any of these but still.

I think the reason I'm having problems with this is it just seems like this form is so generic. I guess it has to be because all of our experiences as interns are so different. I have friends in parishes all around the country and each place is a completely different context. And yet I feel like nothing that I can write on this form will truly speak to my experience here this past year. How nothing I can write will ever be able to describe the sureness I have about my call to be a youth pastor. How there's no room on the form to qualify those moments like when I was on the Experience tour and we sang at the African-American non-denominational church and I felt the Holy Spirit in a huge way. How there is place for me to say that this church is where I made sense.

Of course, this could just be me complaining but let me say, I will be happy when I'm finally done hoop jumping and have officially been ordained (granted then I'm sure there's a whole new set of hoops but at least I'm getting paid to do what I love). Now back to the form that's already 8 pages and I'm only 2/3 of the done...

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