Monday, April 30, 2007

Geeks Unite!

Today I bought my ticket for the midnight premiere of Spider-Man 3!!! Yes, I know that makes me a bit of a geek. But I have learned to embrace this part of me. I actually had a conversation a few years ago with my friends and we debated who was the biggest geek/nerd/dork (my friend won because she had been to multiple Star Trek conventions and had dressed up). But, this latest excitement reminded me why I was the runner up.

So for your amusement, here are some of the factors that put me in the running:
-Biology major with an interest in ecology and environmental science. Self proclaimed science geek!
-Classics major by accident (which is the study of ancient Greek and Roman history and language). Seriously, how does someone end up with an accidental major in that?
-The three languages I know fairly well are all dead languages: Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.
-I have a thing for TV cartoons based on comic books. Hence my surprising amount of knowledge of Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, and X-Men.
-Big fan of anime - Cowboy Bebop being my favorite.
-Star Wars fanatic - have read a decent number of the books and have seen the original trilogy so many times I could probably quote it to people, including some of the alien dialogue.
-Movies I saw at the midnight showings: Star Wars Episode II and III (I saw Episode II the day before a geology lab exam), Two Towers (I couldn't see Fellowship of the Ring or Return of the King because I had finals the next day).
-I worked in a Blockbuster Video for two years which means I know way too much about movies (and also gives me an edge at trivia).

And let's face it, when it all comes down, we all have a little geek in us. It keeps things interesting. There's nothing wrong with wanting to learn a little more, getting excited over a little thing, and finding common ground through odd interests. I embrace my inner geek because through my experiences with these I have made great friends and have some great memories. My roommate for the past fews years and I first really bonded during late night biology sessions. My Classics major gave me the great opportunity of going to New Orleans pre-Katrina for a conference. I can tell you who I went to all those midnight showings and where they are now. And my TV comic book obsession now means that I get the chance to bond with kids from the youth group (and potentially see them wearing Spider-Man underoos over their pants when we see the movie which I know I would never forget, no matter how hard I tried). Here's to unapologetically being ourselves, even if it makes us a bit odd. :) So what makes you a geek?


Nick Nelson said...

So does this mean that the next time Meagan and I go to a comic book convention as Wonder Woman and Hellboy (the pic's up on my blog) that you'll be tagging along as Ed? Or Faye, but I wouldn't want to get my hopes up! ;)

Jeff said...

You make a convincing case.

I don't think I can top that, ya nerd.

Becca said...

Yes! As much as I don't want to, I have to admit that I'm a geek too!

Becca said...
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