Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Memorable Christmas

This Christmas was very bittersweet for different reasons this year. First of all, it's probably my last Christmas Eve at home as a "spectator" in a congregation for a long, long time. It's weird but I made sure to enjoy the time with family on Christmas Eve and my time at church at the congregation I've belonged to since I was a baby.

Second, I woke up to a nice surprise on Christmas morning. I had gone to the 11 p.m. candlelight service on Christmas Eve at my home congregation and I had to drive my mom back to St. Louis Park from Anoka which was a haul (40 minute drive) and then I had to drive myself back to St. Paul. All in all, I didn't get to bed till around 2 a.m. on Christmas morning. I woke up the next day, got ready for Christmas Day festivities at my parents place and went out to my car around 10:30 a.m. to drive out. I come to my car on the driver's side and realize there's something wrong. As I look through the window I see that the front passenger side window has been broken and there's glass everywhere and it's really obvious someone has broken into my car. Oh $&%*!

Yeah, not the best Christmas gift ever. The worst part was I had pretty much parked right below my bedroom window and didn't hear a thing all night long. The engine was fine and I could start up my car no problem. But, still, what a pain. Plus, the fact that it's Christmas Day means that I can't do anything. The police aren't going to take the report because they're only doing emergencies. The insurance is the same way. So, my dad comes to pick me up and we use some garbage bags and duct tape to cover up the window, especially since it's due to snow.

The thing is, these weren't exactly the smartest of criminals. I'm guessing it's probably meth or drug addicts of some sort because they were looking for quick money. They emptied my ash tray which probably had about 40 cents worth of change and went through my glove compartment. They also looked through my trunk. The losses on my part:

-40 cents worth of change (and mind you, they missed another obvious compartment in my car that did happen to have about $20 worth of change in it)
-The Christmas cookies from my Grandma
-A small bag with some old smelly soccer gear (granted, I hate having to replace my cleats, I've had them for over five years now)
-Some empty jewel cases for CDs (and yet missed the dozen or so CDs in my car)
-Harry Potter 7 on CD which I have downloaded on my computers and ipod (also, missing two CDs because they were in my CD visor so I don't think they're going to get far with it)

Thank goodness I don't keep anything real valuable in my car. But, it's been a pain trying to replace the glass. And I don't know what it is but I've just heard of a lot of people getting their car broken into lately. And I really do hate having to worry about my car when I park it outside in the lot now. It's one more stressor I simply don't want in my life. But I guess I'll get used to it. I always do. Plus, it could have been a whole lot worse. They didn't touch my engine. I don't keep anything in my car. Also, it wasn't stolen. So, I'll take what I can get and cough up the deductible for the new window.

But seriously, who breaks into someone's car on Christmas Day? That's just lame.

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