Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Year in Review

What a year! I could pretty much leave it at that and it would seem right. This past year I have been in over 15 states (NC, MN, NY, NJ, PA, MD, SC, GA, FL, WI, IL, IN, VA, KY, WV, and some others than I know I'm forgetting). I spent the best eight months of my life as the interim youth director/intern pastor/young adults minister/jack of all trades at my internship congregation. I have gotten my butt kicked in a big way by seminary and CPE for the past four months during the semester from hell. I've learned what burnout feels like. I've written a 20 page approval essay, filled out over 12 pages of ordination and assignment forms, and officially been approved. I've toured NYC with a group of 70 high schoolers and then later by myself. I've been grilled on my views of homosexuality in the church by people who were in charge of deciding whether or not I was fit to be a pastor in the church. I've had my car broken into. I've redefined what home means in my life. I've put away my Midwest modesty and told a bishop face-to-face that I happen to be very good at ministry and essentially that he should be very interested in calling me to his synod. I've preached the best and worst sermons of my career as a "pastor." I've found myself surrounded by some of the best friends a person can ask for during this whole crazy period of my life. It's been one crazy year. And this coming year promises to be even crazier.

On the bill for 2008:
-An ethics class starting Thursday that's probably going to kick my butt.
-A trip to Charlotte to visit friends
-Floor tickets to the Foo Fighters in Feb.
-Helping a friend pilot a new worship service for his church
-A potential trip to Orlando with a good friend for a conference on working with young adults
-The "Great Draft" and Assignment where I find out where I will be doing ministry for the next 3 years of my life
-My final semester at seminary
-Preaching at the Chapel at Luther on March 7 (GULP!)
-My graduation
-My little sis' graduation
-Weddings in Fargo, Winona, and Miami
-A first call to who knows where?????

It's going to be a big and definitive year and I can't wait!

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