Monday, May 15, 2006


I have less than a week to go in the semester and a little over 35 pages left to research for and write. Not fun. But, it's all worth it right? I think the summer is an illustration of that. I'm getting ready for a camping trip up north, a visit to my future internship site, the wedding of two of my good friends from school, a road trip with the boy, two national youth gatherings, and lots of time with friends and family. Plus, time to read books for fun, run, and watch TV. Is it going to be worth it in the end? ABSOLUTELY! This is the hope I live in during finals and during my life. The hope and promise that there is something beyond this because of what God did for us through Jesus Christ. So, while I may not be praising God for finals at this time, I'm certainly praising him for the plans he has for me after they are all done. :)

1 comment:

Anshu Anand said...

Gud luck for everything !