Friday, August 11, 2006

Some Pre-Inernship Thoughts

Yes, I'm living in Charlotte, but my internship doesn't officially start till Sunday. Hospitality is a word that comes to mind as I get settled in here in NC. The church community has been so gracious in welcoming me to Charlotte and even though I was expecting a warm welcome, I can't help but be blown away at how they have all been so giving already. I have a fully furnished apartment, I've been taken out for a meal every day since I've gotten here, and have been given so much more than I could have asked for or deserve. And I think that is God's grace at work through people. And I hope I can show them grace as well throughout my year here.

The other thing I am always amazed by is how God can work in the most surprising ways. I really do think he has a sense of humor. This past year at seminary I was the captain/manager of our soccer team and was part of the leadership team of a student led worship service. These were things I did because I loved them. They were great for building community in the seminary and it was fun to do something different. However, I never really thought they'd play a big role in my internship this year. In talks with my supervising pastor about a possible internship project, we've talked a lot about young adults ministry, working with people who are just out of college or grad school and are looking for some sort of connection at the church. And ideas that have been thrown around include a worship service such as The Way and activities such as a soccer team since apparently there are a lot of young adults interested in soccer.

Now this stuff is all in talks and again, I haven't even officially started my internship. But, I really see it as a lesson to never take anything that you do for granted. God will find a way to use whatever talents and experiences you have, as trivial as it may seem (such as being a captain of a rag-tag-seminary soccer team) and make good use of them. And maybe that is a part of ministry, being surprised that even the smallest or easiest thing might open a door to preach the Gospel and reach out to others. And in all of this I have to remember not to take anything for granted, because God is looking to use and work with all of me, the whole package, to get the Word out. And he's doing the same with everyone else.

1 comment:

Karen Elizabeth said...

Hi! I'm so glad that you are doing well in Charolette. We will miss you at Luther! I was just thinking about how good the Way worship experience was for me last year. I needed that time with God. So, thanks for your leadership. Young Adult Ministry sound exciting and challenging. Let me know if you need any resources, I have tons. Blessings!