Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Day in the Life of...

I often get asked what exactly do you do at church during the week. It's kind of a fun question because I've been learning that each day is very different and that there really is no such thing as a typical day at church.

What am I doing today? Putting off writing a sermon right now (but I'm nearly done) and trying to figure out where I should go to finish it up. I've never been good about doing work in spaces where there are a lot of distractions (I share and office and the church's office building is usually constantly bustling with activity). I already went and led a Chapel for our Children's Center for 3-5 year olds. It was quite entertaining and they're adorable and I really don't know what I'm doing. The topic for the day was Adam, Eve, and Sin. Talk about a loaded topic. I did my best though and hey, I'm new at this right?

Other things I might do during my time at the office: go over the Bible study I'm leading for the week, meetings of all sorts (worship planning, all staff, supervisor time, pastor time, me asking people random questions about what it is I'm supposed to be doing), phone calls, hospital visits, writing a curriculum for leading a Bible study, working on prayers for the coming weekends, learning to sing a new kyrie, prepping to teach a class, proof reading something for the capital campaign, and hundreds of other things that I won't list because well, this would get too long. In other words, I find little ways to keep myself busy.

But, this is my life now and I'm loving it. Don't worry, I have some of the my nights off and I find myself watching episodes of LOST and Scrubs or playing trivia at a local pub with friends from church or training for my half-marathon in December. There is no doubt that this is a balancing act but I'm finding I have good friends to help me along my way. And it has been a good week for good news among the friends whether it has been the birth of a happy, healthy baby girl, an engagement, or finding out exactly what desk they get to man at work that remind me to always be celebrating the big things and the little things in life.

1 comment:

Karen Elizabeth said...

Tasha, I'm so glad to keep up with you through this blog. I find myself processing the events of my summer of "church work" as I read what you write. The church looks truly inspiring but rather intimidating. Blessings on preaching and pastoring!