Friday, September 08, 2006

One Month Down

I've been here for over a month now. I'm still in shock over this. It seems like I've come so far and yet, I still have so much more to learn. And as I sit here and try to measure how much my life has changed in this short month that's gone by all too quickly, well, I guess there's no real telling.

I do find humor in the little every day things that have changed. For one, I wear my hair down every day. For those of you who didn't see me on a regular basis, it was almost always in a bun or a ponytail. I also hardly ever wear jeans except on Fridays and Saturdays. I can usually be found in nice slacks and a button down shirt. The joys of business casual. And those are just the little things in this mix of huge changes. New city, new job, new friends, no school or classes, and the list just keeps going. And somewhere in all of this, I'm redefining myself and trying to figure out how to blend who I was with who I am becoming. Who am I as a pastor? Who am I as a student of the Christ Lutheran? Who am I as a long-distance friend? How do I be both a pastor and a friend to someone in the congregation? These are definitely things they cannot teach at seminary and I know that I'm just going to learn this as I go.

I have been finding as I have been getting more into my internship that God definitely knew what he was doing when he put me here. I am surronded by great people who are willing to teach and listen and learn from each other. Part of what I want to do here is start some programming for young adults and there has been an influx of young adult visitors who are looking to get connected. So, the timing was near perfect and now it's just up to me to keep listening to them and to God and figure out what it is I need to do in order to get this off the ground. And in the midst of all of this, I have found one thing to be true, God is good so here we go!

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