Monday, September 18, 2006

Weekend Fun!

It was one of those weekends that was completely random at times but so much fun! First point, you know you're a runner when you get bored watching tv in the mid-afternoon and decided to go on a 3.5 mile run... I got bored so I went on a run... Yeah, I know I'm crazy but it felt good! I did find a half marathon to run here though in December which I'm already really looking forward to and I think I even talked a couple of people into running it with me.

The rest of Friday went like this: my friend who works at Bank of America decided he wants to learn golf because it's what people in his line of work do. Therefore, he suggested we go to the driving range and hit a couple of balls. Now, I haven't been golfing for about 10 years and I was never really good at it in the first place. And he of course gets excited because he thinks I can teach him. Haha! It was the blind leading the blind. Plus, he had really old clubs that I'm pretty sure were not the right size for either of us. Surprisingly, I was actually able to put on a good show and was averaging around 150 ft with a couple 200 shots. However, I wasn't much of a help and was more there to laugh when he totally whiffed or cheer when he got off a good shot which was rare. All in all, a really good time and funny time! Who knew golf could be so amusing?

Saturday was low key although I did see a good movie, "The Last Kiss." Sunday was the kicker. I think I logged a good 11 hours at the church. But, that's part of the job. The services went really well and the former-intern-soon-to-be-pastor delivered a great sermon on sex and murder (the fifth and sixth commandments). I also had 12 people at my young adults small group Bible study. It was a great group and even better conversation. This group has definitely been a blessing for me so far and I think they are all finding some much needed community through it. So, praise God for that! Then I gave my first "sermon." The proper title is meditation and it was on healing and forgiveness for a healing service. And you know, I think it went really well. I did my best to proclaim the Gospel and then all I can do is let God do the rest. So, one down. Next step - October 8 when I preach for the first time for the big services (it will be about 1000 people total). Whew!

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