Saturday, October 06, 2007

Only Connect

Sorry for the lack of posting for the past week. It's been a challenge to blog this week for me. The funny thing is it's not about not having things to write about and big topics on my mind. Instead, this week has suddenly thrown so much in face that touches on my past and on my unforeseen future. That and everything that's happened is highly personal and doesn't seem proper to put on a blog. Instead, these are things that I will ponder in my heart for years to come.

But, in the midst of this I feel like I've touched on the bigger picture. I've been reminded of how the most unexpected people can become some of your best friends. I've seen that taking life one week at a time isn't really an option for me anymore, I need to look at the big picture. For the first time in my life I feel like I'm giving the system the proverbial finger and it feels really good! I've seen with old friends how some things never change and how they change so quickly you wonder how things became so different in such a short time. I've been reminded that the pain of loss never really goes away because there are always those around you experiencing the same thing you did years ago. One of my old mentors has now started treating me as a colleague which is exciting and scary at the same time. When did I grow up? I've jumped in to new and old friendships and relationships painfully aware that my time in this community has an expiration date that will come faster than any of us can anticipate.

In the midst of this I'm reminded how important these relationships are and how I'm not meant to go through this alone. I watched an episode of one of my favorite shows last night, Joan of Arcadia, called "Only Connect." It's about keeping communication lines open with those around us that we love. I'm reminded of this more than ever now. It's so easy to lose touch, to not make that extra effort to keep in touch and keep communication open. I'm being reminded constantly that the only way I'm going to make it through this week, this semester, this year, and the years to come is if I keep talking to people, if I keep communicating, if I keep connecting. It can be a lonely journey and I know I need all the help I can get.

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