Thursday, March 06, 2008

Preaching in Chapel + Synodical Assignments =

A good thing actually! I was surprised by this revelation the other day. All things considered, it's a very stressful week for my and my fellow seniors. Most of us are expecting to get the call from our future bishop sometime tonight/tomorrow and people are really anxious to say the least. Add to that the fact that I'm preaching in Chapel tomorrow (see previous post) puts a lot of stress on me. But the great thing is I've spent most of my week stressing out about Chapel and preaching as opposed to about assignment. And this is a good thing because if I stress out about Chapel I can actually do something about it. I can run through my sermon another time. I can tweak the powerpoint yet again. I can spend some time praying. I can go through the reading again. I can actually do something about the stress and turn it into something productive as opposed to worrying about assignment where I can do nothing except stare at the phone trying to will it to ring. So, we'll see what the next 24+ hours bring. Either way, Friday is going to be a huge day!

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