Monday, March 03, 2008

Almost to the Point of Being Funny

So, let's run down what's happened to my car in the past 2.5 months.

-Broken into on Christmas Day
-Failed to start 5 times in the past month
-Towed from my apartment parking lot
-Had more work done on it than I want to admit on a blog

The icing on the cake? I finally broke down and got a garage and it solved the starting problem. However, this past weekend someone broke into the garage and broke into my car, again! The other two cars sitting in the garage stall next to mine also got broken into. Not much was taken, again. Just some change (this time they actually found my stash and made off with somewhere around $15 I'm guessing) and CD's that I all have backed up on my computer and ipod. On the "sunny side" I knew exactly what to do this time, made all the appropriate calls, and got it all taken care of within 2 days as opposed to it taking over two weeks last time. Plus, my glass is covered under my insurance so I know I at least don't have pay anything.

So, people have been well aware of my car woes over the past few months so when I got back to school today and got questioned about how I was doing I realized that all this car stuff had gotten so ridiculous that it was to the point of almost being funny. Nay, actually to the point of being kind of funny. I mean, seriously? Who would have thought all of this could happen? So, needless to say, life goes on and I have a car and it works which is about all I can ask for at this time. It's better than trying to make it through seminary without one. Plus, one thing I've learned is that I have some great friends who will always be willing to help me out in a pinch. So, thanks to all those who have driven me, listened to me gripe, and offered a sympathetic ear.

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