Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Beginning of the End

I'm pretty sure I've used this as a blog title before, probably at the very beginning of the year. Right now it's the eve of graduation and I'm stalling before heading out to meet some friends who are also graduating. And yeah, it seems hard to believe that tomorrow I'm walking and receiving my Masters of Divinity and the special academic hood that comes with it. I'm definitely excited, that's to be expected. But it's also a bit weird. I guess I didn't know what to expect when this day finally arrived. This is the first time I'm finishing up a degree with no school in my imminent future (granted I have the feeling someday I'll eventually go on for a Ph. D. *sigh*). But, it's weird. However, I've been determined to not let my lack of a certain future get in the way of celebrating this weekend. One way or another, I like to think a Masters is a pretty decent accomplishment and as scary as the "real world" is, I'm really glad to be done with school and getting on with my future in a church as a pastor. So, my reactions to actual graduation and pictures will be posted later this week. Now, out to continue the celebration!

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