Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So, today I turned in my last paper... for seminary... ever! This means I've officially finished grad school which seems hard to believe! It's been quite the journey and I'm still not sure how I feel about it other than relieved. The knots that were forming in my shoulders (I carry my stress in my upper back) have all started unknotting and I keep of feeling like I should be doing something or reading something.

But after four years of blood, sweat, and tears this ending is still very bittersweet. With the turning in the final paper begins the beginning of the end. Soon I will be saying goodbye to some amazing friends as we all go our separate directions to first calls in churches. It feels great to be done but I will miss having giggling fits in the library over something that really isn't that funny, talking baseball over lunch in the cafeteria, sitting in the designated "senior spot" in chapel even though the services are less than inspiring most of the time, and knowing that my friends are just a phone call and short drive away. Ah, the life of a grown up. Either way, I'm so grateful to be done with school and to be able to leave this place with my sanity. It's been quite a ride and I look forward to walking with my class 1.5 weeks from now. Maybe by then this all will have sunk in...

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