Monday, September 03, 2007

Back In the Game

After nearly three long weeks I finally have internet back in my place... Well, kind of. My wireless router isn't quite doing what I want it to so until my roommate gets back with her own router and gives it a try, I simply have to do this wired.

These past few weeks have ushered in my life back here at Luther Seminary and MN. There are definitely positives to this such as seeing friends and family again, rollerblading around Lake Calhoun and Harriet, and watching my beloved Twins again at home. However, being home has already brought me straight back into the world of academia and let me say, I wasn't quite ready for this. I think coming home and writing that 20 page approval essay wasn't the best way to start it. I guess it's just a good thing that I know it's only a year.

I also started CPE this week, my clinical pastoral education or my time as a hospital chaplain. Unfortunately, I have to pay to work 25 hours a week which includes making sure I leave my apartment at 7:15 every morning so I can make it to the hospital on time. I think I'm going to be tired by the end of the semester. But, this may actually turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Let's be honest, even though I'm a good student and I love learning, there's nothing like being out there, doing ministry on the front lines in a church. Sure, I love seminary and it's great to be back around a city and people I love but I yearn to be back in a church, somewhere, on a long term basis. I want to be out there, working with the people. And CPE gives me a chance to do this. Sure, it's in a different way than I would prefer but at least it's something and it gives me a great opportunity to learn.

But, I am not completely cynical about what this year will bring. I'm excited to meet new people and hear their stories. I'm excited to take some classes with my favorite profs that will hopefully engage me and force me to speak up and step outside my comfort zone. I'm excited to talk about internship and compare stories and notes. We all have something we can learn from each other, right?

As much as I want to be somewhere else, I'm here and I have to make the best of it. I think my Charlotte withdrawal will fade with time and I know that this place is a place that I will always call home, no matter how far away I'm called after this year. Here's to a great senior year!

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