Sunday, January 27, 2008

Spirit and Call

I've had this thing about having emotional vacations lately. I'm not quite sure what that's all about but anyway, I digress.

I'm in Charlotte right now, taking vacation from school and work and am loving it! I've been here for a few days and fly home tomorrow. I worked it so I'd be here both Wednesday and Sunday nights so I could see the youth and have a weekend to catch all my friends. Also, there was the serendipitous timing that this also happened to be the last Sunday for one of the associate pastors at the church. Pastor Jon had been my "supervisor" for part of my internship because he was pastor of family and youth ministry which meant, as the interim high school youth director/intern pastor I also reported to him. It was a great experience. He was caring, laid back, extremely personable, had great advice, and I was able to learn about from him. He had been at the congregation for over five years now and is moving on to a senior pastor call for a church in Dallas. I have no doubt that he will make an amazing senior pastor. So, I got to be present for his last day and his last sermon. And it was fantastic and feel so honored by the fact that I did get to work with him and it's sad to see him go. At the same time, I'm also excited for him to go on to shape the mission and vision for this new church.

I can't help but think about the story of Elisha and Elijah, two prophets in the OT. Elijah was one of the most famous prophets and his successor was Elisha. And Elijah was a big deal! He stood up to a very evil and corrupt king and queen and even to most of Israel who had given up their faith in God/YAHWEH for that of idols and other lower-case "g" gods. Elijah calls Elisha to ministry to be his successor and Elisha is no fool, he knows he has big shoes to fill. When Elijah prepares to go to heaven and Elisha is aware of this, he asks Elijah for twice the share of Elijah's spirit because he knows that he's going to have a tough job ahead of him.

I couldn't help thinking about this story when I thought of Jon. Whoever fills this role as a pastor at this church is going to have some big shoes to fill. And not only that, those of us who are preparing to go into the church, we're following the footsteps of some pretty amazing people who have great spirit, passion, enthusiasm, vision, compassion, faith, courage, and love. I can't help feeling a little bit intimidated as I think about my first call and following all the pastors that have come before me, who have acted as my mentors, who have influenced and encouraged me in my call. And I find myself praying for even half of Jon's spirit as I look to tackle a new call as well.

In the case of Elijah and Elisha, God does answer Elisha's prayer and he goes on to be another powerful and influential prophet. I hope and pray that God answers my prayers and the prayers of my friends as we look to our first calls and as we look to add to the road that has been placed before us by those who have come before us. And I also go forth encouraged because I know that there are other incredible, dedicated, and faithful people out there like Jon doing the work God has called them to do.

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