Monday, February 18, 2008

Making Lemonade

This has been a bad couple of months for my car. To say that I've had car issues would be a major understatement. In the past two months my car has been broken into, towed, and has not started a record number 5 times! Ugh! Never has the MN cold gotten to me and my car like this before. So I finally broke down after non-car start #4 and brought it into the shop to get my 90,000 and 105,000 tune-up done. Kill multiple birds with one stone basically. So I started out today, the first really cold day after I got all the work done on my car, fairly confident that my car would start up. And of course, it didn't....

You've got to be kidding me! I didn't have any class today but I was supposed to be a part of a student panel for prospective students. So, I give a desperate call to a bunch of my friends from seminary and am blessed enough to have a couple offer to bail me out and drive me to campus and back.

Then, I make good use of my AAA membership and give a call for help starting up or a tow depending on how things go. My starter can tend to be tricky and thus, some people are often able to get it started after some tricks that I'm still trying to master. It turns out that the person who comes to help bail me out had done so about two weeks ago right before I brought my car into the shop. We both remember each other and in the midst of trying to get my car started, we strike up a conversation about life. All of a sudden I find myself being treated as a friend and confidant as I get a serious prayer request. I of course oblige and say that I will definitely keep her in my prayers and find myself exchanging numbers and email addresses. By this time my car has started and is running.

Part of me really hates cliches such as "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade." But in this case, life handed me lemons and somehow, God was able to turn it into a situation where I got a chance to really connect with someone and support someone who has bailed me out twice now. Now, do I attribute my car not starting to God? No, that's simply the nasty, cold MN weather. However, I think God was able to use me and this crappy situation in a completely unexpected way.

And I can't help but take this to heart at times such as these. The fate of my next three years in ministry will be decided as the bishops et al. get together to assign all the outgoing MDiv seniors tomorrow. I honestly have no idea where I'm going to get placed and that scares me. I hope and pray that I get placed somewhere that makes sense for my abilities, talents, passions, and gifts and that also happens to be a place where I want to live. However, I know that this might not all come together. It might seem like I'm ending up out in the cold with a car that doesn't start. But, at the same time, I've been reminded today that God can take bad situations and use it for good. I've been reminded that the kindness and generosity of friends can go a long way. I've been reminded that ministry can happen in even the oddest and most frustrating of situations.

So, my solution for my car. I've got a garage leased for the time being which will keep my car warmer and thus make it more likely that it will start. We'll see if this actually works tomorrow morning. If not, well, I guess I'll just have to make the best of the situation because that's all we can do sometimes.

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