Wednesday, October 11, 2006

One God

So, this past Sunday I preached for my first time at Christ Lutheran for all three services. It was quite the ride and it's hard to believe it came and went so quickly. Was I nervous? Of course!!! However, it's interesting. Nerves are more of problem the days leading up to it all, when I'm running through the sermon, tweaking it, and doing my best to commit it to memory. When the day of comes, I usually start off with the obligatory butterflies but as the time comes closer, I realize there really isn't anything else I can do to prepare other than pray and just leave it up to God. It's the Holy Spirit that ultimately has to do the work. So I usually get to a point where I just have to do it. It's like before I take a big exam for school. I will freak out when I'm studying for it but I usually get to the point right before it where I just want to take the test and get it done and over with because there's nothing more I can do. So, it's kind of the same thing.

I'd write a summary but that might take up too much space and would take me awhile too. I'd suggest going to and listening to it for yourself. The title is "One God with a Holy Name."

One sermon down, many more to go! :)

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