Sunday, November 12, 2006

Tonight I decided to throw in a movie instead of getting invested in the Bears Giants game because being on the East Coast, well, it just means I end up staying up much later than I would like watching some tv shows. So, I figured When Harry Met Sally was a good choice because it was fairly light, I've seen it enough times to not have to work too hard, and I could stop it early if need be. Plus, a couple of friends were impersonating Billy Crystal about a month ago (how time flies!) and I remembered thinking then, I really should watch this.

Anyway, one of the conversations in the movie is Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan a la Harry and Sally discussing whether men and women can be "friends." And I realized that my friends at work and I had basically had the exact same conversation earlier this year and it went the exact same path as the movie. According to the guys involved they couldn't be friends when there was attraction involved. And you know, it's funny that I remember this. I think I do because I was just so surprised. Especially as someone who has gotten used to playing the role of token female. So that's my random thought of the night. Feel free to mull over this one... :)

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